A bouquet of carnations and roses adds a joyful atmosphere to your home

This bouquet consists of carnations, roses, red bean sprigs, fine rime sprigs and other herbs.
Carnations, a symbol of love and beauty. Artificial carnations and rose bouquets bring us endless joy and happiness with their exquisite craftsmanship and realistic appearance. In this modern fast-paced society, we may not be able to enjoy real carnations every day, but with this simulated flower bouquet, we can enjoy the romance and warmth at home at any time.
The pink roses and gorgeous carnations in the bouquet seem to tell you love and beauty, and soothe the tired heart. Whether placed in the living room, bedroom or study, this bouquet will inject a fresh breath into the room.
Artificial flower Bouquet of flowers Fashion classic Home decoration

Post time: Nov-14-2023