Dandelion daisies bouquet, make flowers decorate your home happiness

This bouquet consists of dandelions, small daisies, sage, doro and other foliage. Every flower is a message of your heart.
Simulation dandelion Daisy bouquet, like a bunch of silent happiness, delicate and real, dotted every corner of the home, gently add temperature to life. Dandelion gently swaying in the breeze, graceful without losing clever; Daisies are as fresh as girls, simple and lovely. Such a bouquet, like a good memory, always makes people happy.
They will not fade, nor fade, with the flow of years, the happiness of the home will be preserved forever. In the morning sun, they exude a faint fragrance, as if telling the beauty of the years.Artificial flower Bouquet of flowers Fashion boutique Home decoration

Post time: Nov-25-2023