Dandelion land lotus bouquet, decorated pure white beautiful dream

This bouquet consists of dandelions, landlilies, plumeria orchis, vanilla, bamboo leaves and other herbs.
The lightness of the dandelion and the simplicity of the land lotus combine in this bouquet into a feast of freshness and purity. When you receive this bouquet, perhaps you can feel the slight warmth in the spring breeze, perhaps you can find traces of the past time among the petals. This bouquet is not only the interweaving of flowers, but also our yearning for a better life and the expression of sincere feelings.
May it bring you the pleasure of flowers and dandelion like freedom, may it decorate your beautiful dreams, exude a long and delicate emotion, like the land lotus, eternal elegance.
Artificial flower Bouquet of flowers Fashion boutique Home decoration

Post time: Nov-28-2023