Lotus Daisy bouquet, can be adapted to a variety of styles

This bouquet consists of land lilies, wild chrysanthemum, lace branches, eucalyptus, herringhair silver leaf composite and other foliage.
Lily daisies, unique in the sea of flowers. They are as shy and innocent as girls, fresh and lovely. The simulated land lily Daisy bouquet perfectly reproduces this loveliness and innocence, making the home full of warm atmosphere. This bouquet is not only beautiful, but also versatile.
Whether it is simple style or pastoral style, they can find their place. The simulated land lily Daisy bouquet is not only beautiful, but also easy to maintain. Bouquet care is simple, long shelf life, suitable for a variety of scene decoration.
Artificial flower Bouquet of flowers Fashion boutique Home decoration

Post time: Nov-20-2023