Roses and chrysanthemums, with warm colors to bring warm home.

This bouquet consists of roses, fulangella, dandelion, wormwood, maltgrass and other leaves.
The simulated rose petals are soft and delicate, each revealing the smell of flowers, as if telling the endless love. The simulated folangchrysanthemum is colorful, and each flower is full of life vitality, as if it is preaching a better future. The roseola bouquet is not only a bouquet, but also an ornament and a beautiful expression for the home.
It shows the warmth and comfort brought by warm colors, so that people feel the beauty and happiness of life, it brings warmth with warm colors, and adds a comfort and pleasure to your life.
Artificial flower Bouquet of flowers Home decoration Roses and chrysanthemums

Post time: Nov-13-2023