The flower bouquet of prickly ball woolly grass adds a sweet and lovely point to the home.

This bouquet is made up of sea urchin Spiny balls, blue hoppers, Caraway, phytophyllum, collaterals, lace flower branches and hairy grass.
Place flower bouquets on your desk and they will immediately catch your eye. They bloom like small flowers, the bud tightly curled up, revealing a lovely and mysterious. Let us revel in this little loveliness, feel the beauty of life. Placed on your bedroom nightstand, the flower bouquets will give you a night of sweet dreams. Close your eyes and you’ll be carried away by them for a good night, soothing stress and bringing restful sleep.
In this sweet and lovely atmosphere, you will feel the joy and warmth of life.
Artificial flower Bouquet of flowers Fashion boutique Home decoration

Post time: Dec-01-2023